About Us


Welcome to Pvtjob.in, the India’s most trusted free job portal with more than 10k members in more than 8+ States and territories.


To provide employment related information to maximum number of unemployed candidates of India.


The mission of Pvtjob.in is simple: To provide information about various private jobs to all needy people of India for free (without any charge) so that they can take advantage of all job opportunities and get a good job.

Need Attention

All the job information on our website is placed for the convenience of our visitors. While every effort has been made to make the information available on this website as authentic as possible. Please take any decision only after confirming all the information mentioned in this website as all the information is put on the basis of internet research and this blog does not claim any information to be wrong or correct. Therefore, the owner of this website will not be responsible in any way.

Thank you.

Rahul Singh | Founder of Pvtjob.in

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